The Respondus LockDown Browser can be installed on personally owned computers and is currently installed on all campus ITC computers. Students can download the LockDown Browser here. Information and detailed instructions for students on how to install the LockDown Browser on their personal computers can be found here. You can also schedule a consultation with an OTLT staff member to help you evaluate your options.

The Office of Teaching, Learning & Technology offers resources, including recorded videos, on assessments. However, if you do need online proctoring, please contact the Office of Teaching, Learning & Technology. Large courses that have been approved to have virtual component are strongly encouraged to develop a comprehensive assessment plan aligned to course learning objectives in preference to high stakes, online, proctored exams. Respondus LockDown Browser and Respondus 4.0 will continue to be available in all courses. If you wish to use Respondus Monitor, contact ASAP. Respondus Monitor can only be used by 2021 fall semester courses that are pre-approved. Usage without pre-approval may incur charges to your department. Respondus Monitor will be discontinued on December 29, 2021.